Maybe it's just elementary teachers, but all of my coworkers are just good people.
Oregon is looking for elementary teachers who have strong multi-tasking skills. They need teachers who have the ability to challenge quick students but be sure not to lose the others. Oregon is in the process of revolutionizing their education system and they are seeking open-minded teachers to lead their classrooms into the 21st century.
In the current economy, it is important to choose a state that has a strongly funded retirement system, considering that retirement benefits are one of the most important perks to being an elementary teacher. Oregon is ranked as the 11th best funded retirement system in the U.S. Retirement benefits combined with raises based on experience and level of education are excellent reasons to become an elementary teacher in Oregon. In addition, Oregon teachers enjoy approximately 15 weeks of vacation time and are lucky enough to be within a few of hours of beaches, mountains and rivers.